Get a badge
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We are happy for any wedding & elopement supplier featured and mentioned on Eloping Australia to proudly display a badge on their website.
Promote your profile or article on from your own website or homepage.
We recommend that you link the badge to your actual profile, article or elopement feature.

How to add this badge to your website:
- Choose a light or dark badge depending on your website. The top badge will suit most sites, but if you have a website with a dark background, then the bottom badge will work better.
- Right-click on one of the badges and save image to your computer.
- You should have the badge as a png file, which is a transparent file.
- Upload the badge to your website.
- Link the badge to the article/page that you have been featured in.
- Pop a bottle of champagne to commemorate the moment 😉
If you know HTML coding, then you can use this:
Just copy the HTML code in the box below and paste it on your homepage or anywhere on your website.
Add it by adding it through the “Custom HTML” block or widget on your page.
Copy & paste this code:
<a href=""><img src="" title="Eloping Australia" alt="Eloping Australia" style="border-style:none;" /></a>